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Kelvin "Greased Lightening" Martinez
5'10''; 170 lbs.
Easily the fastest on a team of varsity track athletes. Whether the race is the 400m (50.1), 200m (22.8), or the 100m (10.9) he smokes the rest of us. His soccer skills translated to the Ultimate field in a instant. He will be open, and he will catch the disc. Oh yeah, his vertical is 35 inches. Skying over Kelvin Martinez is virtually impossible. His speed on defense denies the disc. You will
not get open. Boo-yeah.

Travis "the rib" White
5'11''; 175 lbs.
He's fast, he can jump. He can throw. But his rib is injured. Want to know why? Well he was laying out (indoors of course) and he landed on his rib. In the process he knocked his defender down. His defender stepped on his arm on his way down but the only thing that he messed up is his rib. Can you explain it? I can't.

Lawrence Delevinge


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